website to-do list!

This is more to organize myself if anything, but it may be mildly interesting to you.

  • Create a TO-DO page [DONE!]
  • Create an About-Me page [DONE!]
  • Add some more links to Train Station [DONE!]
  • Mock up a page for cloudpoint! <3 [DONE!]
  • Create a page for cloudpoint! <3 (It's not what I hoped it'd be, but I want to work on redesigning the site now.)
  • Add my TO DO: list (and the cloudpoint page) to the neocities website [DONE!]
  • 0. Draw up a website proof of concept: (the rest of these are in no particular order)
  • 0.5. (It has to be relatively easy to add new pages to the site.)
  • 1. Get all the other cloudpoint members to design their pages
  • 2. Design a page for the water tower (in place of thoughts page)
  • 3. A page to showcase the stuff i own that i like (bookshelf page?)
  • 4. Make a page for the sanctuary in the forest in which Fye rested.
  • 5. Make a guestbook
  • 6. Set up frames, or otherwise better side-bars for easier maintence
  • 7. At least plan for some kind of slow chat
  • 8. Include a Music Nerdout Page
  • Re-Style/code the website from the ground up (make that damn background spin, maybe)
  • Make/Grab a bunch of buttons and stamps for the site
  • finish and publish that dang zine
  • go crazier on that homepage (music, webneko, etc)